Oleksiy Povolotskyi
Director for Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance of DTEK.
In 1996 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs. He got a master's degree in the Lord Scarman Center at Leicester University (UK).
He worked as a teacher and head of the International Relations Department at Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, then as a lawyer at Squire Sanders & Dempsey LLP.
He has been working at DTEK since 2010 as a Head of Corporate Governance. Corporate Secretary of the Supervisory Boards DTEK Energy B.V., DTEK Oil & Gas B.V., DTEK Renewables B.V., DTEK Grids B.V., D. Solutions B.V., D. Trading B.V., Attorney. Since 2017, he has been responsible for compliance direction, and from 2018 - for business process management, risk management and business continuity.
Member of the Board of the Corporate Governance Professional Association , as well as a member of the Ukrainian Bar Association, a lawyer.